Don't Look Back
As the last child in my family, I spent a few years without any siblings to play with. Hence, I have many fond memories of playing pool or army guys in the basement, listening to music. One song that sticks in my head from those years is "Don't Look Back" from the Fine Young Cannibals. No comments on the musical choices, please (although it's amazing how little content can go into a pop song...)
Anyway, the lyric that stuck in my head is "don't look back, it won't do no good." Hey, it was catchy musically. The lyrics though? I liked them, but they don't really fit me. I like history. Check that, I LOVE history! I think history and looking back IS good. It shows how someone or something got to be the way it is. It helps you understand. It reminds you that God IS in control and His ways ARE being accomplished.
As a vastly mature and married 30-year-old, I would subscirbe to the concept of "look back, just don't regret." Regretting won't do no good.
When I look back on my life, I don't regret a thing. I didn't ENJOY everything, I just don't regret it. I've had some pretty tough and trying times. Times I didn't exactly want to be in. But I think we're called to hold tight to God's promises. He doesn't promise us an easy life or one always full of friends or fortune. But He does promise us He will never leave us. I have found that the trying times in my life have been a way for God to pull me closer to Him. He's refining me. He's making me more like Him. Fun? Not always. But good. And good to look back on.
So look back, just don't regret. It may not be a catchy phrase fit for a pop song, but hey, you can't win them all.