I'm no mother!
Whoever wished me a Happy Mother's Day in my revious blog's comments...I've got news for you. My name is JAMES, I'm a MAN, and that makes it impossible to be a MOTHER. Then again, since the title of the day is "Mother's Day," I guess you could just be saying, "Have a happy day, which just happens to be Mother's Day." Anyway, as long as everyone understands I'm a man, I htink I'm OK.
And if there was any question, I'm not going to be an immensely consistent blogger. We finally got all of our stuff out of boxes (mostly), but if you guys want your wedding thank you's I need time, people!
I've really struggled with my devotional life recently. I get up at 7 in the morning and don't want to get up earlier. And when I come home from work it's time to eat and then I either have stuff to do or I'm just tired from a long day at work. I go to bed and WHALAH...I didn't do anything devotional. It's kind of frustrating and I'm a bit mad at myself. I know that I need to simply set aside time every day, but does anyone else have any thoughts on maintaining a devotional life for a young newlywed?
Stick a Bible over your John--that should give you a few minutes of reading time. Also, consider the Bible on CD (for your driving time)--if you cannot afford it, then your local public library should certainly have it. Lastly, read a chapter with your new wife as soon as dinner is over, right at the dinner table.
Good thoughts anonymous. With insight like that, I think you deserve a name...
I have the most messed up brother in the world...but I love him!
I do have a name: ANONYMOUS. The only problem, though, is that I keep getting confused with other people that have a similar name. Apparantely it is a popular name on blogs....
I'd second the chapter at the table idea. It seems like a good idea to try doing devotions including both you and your new wife.
It seems it would be a great time first thing in the morning but I don't do that and suspect it would be hard to do them first thing in the morning. Maybe if you had breakfast and devotions in the morning with your wife...
Yeah. I second that. Or am I thirding it? No matter! I usually try and pick up all the dishes right away too! What? I don't? Oh, never mind then!
When I was first married, we made an effort to go to bed at the same time all the time and do devotios then - it got to be too hard because we'd rush through them if we were really tired (or whatever ;-)!) so then we switched to the evening meal. It was all adult time before the kids came along and it was a nice time to sit and chat (over the dirty dishes or pizza box as the case might be!) about what you've read.
I think family evening meals are becoming a thing of the past and they should not. Its important to communicate as a family on a regular basis and now without kids is the best time to start those traditions/habits. ~ P
Speaking of meals.
mmmmm, Dars
p8r, 4 adults and 2 kids. 2 larges. Extra cheese. 2 orders of cheeseballs. 2 pitchers of pop.
Oh, by the way, I was sitting there thinking, then said p8r out loud. I know the family. Now...$50 in pennies ring a bell?!
Hey, Good Lookin!!
Whatcha got cookin?
How 'bout cookin' somethin' up with me?!
So Nickel, are those pennies still in the jar?
Please! They are now in a 5 gallon bucket! I called a glue company to see how to get rid of glue. They were confused. They were thinking a spot out of clothing! I'm sure you will enjoy this...when I explained my problem to them, they said they had never heard of something like that before...
Your right, I did enjoy that
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