Thursday, January 26, 2006

Why do we play what we want?

Because now we're officially the best!!!

Congrats to my new co-workers at JackFM, as today we were named Best Radio Station in Jackson, MS. (And to think that was BEFORE I came on board!) The Jackson Free Press had people vote on a few categories of "Best Of" in Jackson, and we won the best station. (And our "cluster-mate," Rock 93.9, got second along with Best Radio Personality.)

Here is the write-up from the Press...

Best Radio Station: Jack FM 94.7.

Jackson has been begging for fresh radio since the legendary ZZQ left the local scene. What was most advertised got listened to, and satellite radio hasn’t yet measured up to Internet radio or iPod archives.

Living in the only state where you can hear the public radio network no matter where you are doesn’t hurt. It seems more JFP readers like intelligent public radio than Top 40, with MPB at No. 3. But they do like to rock out and bang their head more than they like classical flower- and bean-growing. WLEZ plays music from before many of our readers were born, with its low bandwidth starting to fill Jackson’s need for college radio by adding some great local niche shows. Until Edward St. Pe offers me a radio show of my own, the only place to hear The Cure is indeed Jack FM (like their advert says). Sure, it’s bad karma to follow Zeppelin with Kool & the Gang and Kajagoogoo, but wait a minute, and they will play something you enjoy, alas to be followed by something making you ill. We JFP’ers wait, and look on the Python bright side of life.—Herman Snell

For the full article from the JFP, click here.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Love Monkey

Have you guys seen Tom Cavanaugh's new show called "Love Monkey"? It's on at 9pm (central) Tuesday nights on CBS. Tom Cavanaugh? You may know him better as "Ed," the bowling alley lawyer. When "Ed" ran its course a couple of years ago, I seriously had no more reason to watch TV (besides sports and weather, I mean!) But my boy has now returned with a mid-season addition and I'm regaining a reason to watch TV.

Cavanaugh plays a record A&R guy (oddly named "Tom") and so the show includes plenty of music and music references and music cameos (both songs and artists.) I mean, how much cooler can you get? Tom is somewhat of a musical nerd, randomly talking about artists and favorite all-time songs. I mean, how much more up my alley can you get? AND, Tom is about the music and not necessarily finding the big hit. WHOAH, now we're really up my alley! As we watched the show tonight, one of my friends commented on how much Tom was like me. She meant the character "Tom," but I've been compared to Tom Cavanaugh's other main character, "Ed," before as well. Maybe that's why I liked "Ed" so much...and now I'm liking "Love Monkey."

It sounds like the new show is getting a week off next week, so make sure you look for it again during the first full week of February. It's making TV worth it again!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Cotton Hiking

While I'm talking about flying, I MUST add that I could stare out the airplane window for an entire flight. The clouds amaze me and the sky up there is my favorite shade of blue. I love watching endless cloud banks flow by beneath me...I hypothesize that they are soft like cotton and I just want to get out and hike and climb on them. Somehow though, I don't imagine the fact that clouds are merely condensed water bodes well for my walking on them. Oh well, I guess I'll have to settle for the most pure and righteous hue of blue known to man...

Monday, January 16, 2006

The Friendly Skies?

Did you ever notice that no one smiles at airports?

I flew twice over Christmas and I can only think of one person who was happy (and it was not me...I was too tired of being in airports!) I wanted so much to be smiling to add at least a thought of cheer to all the busy travelers and harried workers. I mean, it's Christmas people! But alas, I was sick of being stuck in airports for three hours after having slept only two hours the previous night...I was physically not able to be full of cheer. Thankfully there WAS one gate attendant who was quite helpful in a friendly way with me when I was trying to get a different flight. I'm not saying she smiled, mind you, but she was friendly. And that was much appreciated!

So can we all, here and now, start being the agents of joy at airports?

Monday, January 09, 2006

The Boys are Back in Town

Well now, I've been away for a while. I was out of town three weeks, slept in seven different beds in five different states, and drove through four other states. The weather was decent when I was back up north...a lot of 25 to 30 degree weather at home and 40s on the East Coast. This morning, as I drove to my job at 10:45am it was already 68 degrees. Then I saw someone fly through a red light and I thought, "ah, it's good to be back in Mississippi."