Monday, April 10, 2006

The volcano erupts

After stewing quietly, the volcano suddenly spews out more than anticipated...

No. 12: Newsboys - Love Liberty Disco
No. 11: Newsboys - Take Me To Your Leader
No. 10: Newsboys - Thrive
No. 9: Newsboys - Step Up To The Microphone

I like the Newsboys...can you tell? Basically anything from the Jody Davis era (guitar) I love. Let's see, how can I keep this short?...

LLD - wow, what an afro by Davis. A unique, 70s, retro sound for sure, but I really like it. Every Newsboys album has some incredible track at or near the end that turns the listener to God in a heart-wide-open moment. It's "I Surrender All" on this CD.

TMTYL - "Cup O' Tea" and "Lost the Plot" are two of my favorite Newsboys songs ever. Both have my required tempo change/explosiveness feel. "Lost the Plot" was the encore on that tour, and Peter Furler playing his guitar alone on stage in the dark to open it up before everyone exploded in with video images showing on the backdrop...eah, that image and feeling will forever stay pasted in my head.

Thrive - Oh, this whole CD is incredible. "The Fad of the Land" into "John Woo" is one of my favorite album song transitions of all-time. And Davis' guitar work on this album are drool-worthy. The album closes with "Lord (I Don't Know)," which IS the Newsboys' best album-closing song ever.

SUTTM - Can you imagine the concert spectacle of three huge microphones hanging from the backdrop? Each one smokes and is layered in lights... Nice. Um, yeah...the CD. "WooHoo" gets the listener as excited as it's title would suggest. "Entertaining Angels" might be the best Newsboys song ever. "Hallelujah" is an odd yet enticing song with a dance beat. (gasp!) And the album closer, "Always," sums up the comfort of our Father in heaven..."to be my father in the fatherless days."

The Newsboys. Love em. Lots.


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