Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Walk The Line

Dude, SEE IT!!!

I saw "Walk The Line" Saturday night and it exceeded expectations. (Oh, if you don't know what "Walk The Line" is, it's a movie on Johnny Cash.) As a story, it traces a major theme in Cash's life (drugs). As a social study, it traces the struggles Cash had in feeling accepted by his dad and the resulting effects. As a music documentary, it shows the world of touring musicians quite well. (Kinda scary, actually!) As actors, Joaquin Phoenix (Johnny Cash) and Reese Witherspoon (June Carter) give outstanding performances. (I mean, if I didn't know what Cash actually looked like I would have thought Phoenix WAS Cash!) As musicians, Phoenix and Witherspoon do the singing for the movie and do it incredibly. (Carter is easier to "copy," but for anyone to copy the baritone voice of Johnny Cash is exceptional.)

In summary...dude, SEE IT!!! It might be the best movie you see all year.


At 10:19 AM, December 07, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did you think of the fact that the song title/movie title is actually a song Cash wrote for his first wife? (Carter was his second.) I thought the movie was supposed to be about the Carter/Cash relationship .. that not true? ~PJP

At 6:56 AM, December 08, 2005, Blogger James said...

Interesting point. I didn't know Cash wrote the song for his first wife. There is actually a point in the movie where June Carter says "walk the line" to ole Johnny. I just thought THAT was the inspiration for the song, but maybe that was just a slap in his face!

At 11:44 AM, December 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, I had read that song 'Walk the Line' was written for his first wife in regards to his cheating or being able to cheat. But I can't think of the song so I don't know how that comes out in the song. ~ PJP


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