Friday, November 11, 2005

The last great newspaper comic strip

Two years ago I lost all need to watch TV when "Ed" was cancelled. Ten years ago I lost all need to read newspaper comic strips when Bill Watterson retired. With him went "Calvin and Hobbes," the best comic strip ever. A boy and his stuffed tiger. Sounds simple, you say? Nah, it was simply the best. "Calvin and Hobbes" was more than just a comic strip, it was a social commentary that not only took jabs at the questions and problems in this world but also at itself. I'll stop now. Read this article about a new, full "Calvin and Hobbes" anthology.

To my friends and family, please put this 1,440-page, 23-pound hardback on my Christmas list. That and a Chicago Cubs license plate...


At 5:06 AM, November 23, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know I finally looked at your blog. Really cool, I have a lot of reading to catch up on. Have a great Thanksgiving. Later.


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