Bono on "Christian" music
I read some comments and thoughts from and on Bono today. (Bono being the lead singer of the rock super-group, U2...if you didn't know.) And I was intrigued on what he had to say about "Christian" music, especially since so much of U2's stuff seems quite tinged by Christianity, if not blatant about it. What I found was a blog entry by Jay Swartzendruber, editor of CCM Magazine, after he attended a National Prayer Breakfast which included Bono (and some guy named George Bush.)
Swartzendruber talked with Bono later in a small group session and asked him about his thoughts on the Christian music industry in the light of U2 seeming to make a point to say they are not a "Christian band."
Bono said:
I've never seen why there should be a separation...much of my life I've been asked, 'Why doesn't your music proclaim Christ?' ...It does!...Creation has its own proclamation [of its Creator). I'd like to think our music has had the same qualities to it. When I read scripture, there are no compartments to your life... When I read scripture, these men are wild with a greed for God and mammon.
I loved reading Bono's words about "no compartments to your life." But check out the whole blog Swartzendruber's very good, also explaining a lot about Bono's thoughts on AIDS in Africa.
Click here for Swartzendruber's blog.
You can also check out some related articles on U2, Christian music artists, and AIDS...
This one concerns a meeting in Nashville between Bono and CCM leaders and musicians.
This one concerns Jars of Clay's Dan Haseltine and his thoughts after that meeting in Nashville.
Is Bono a Christian or just a social activist?
If he is a Christian why is he doesn't he say so? afraid it will hurt the commercial success of U2?
Did you guys read Swartzendruber's blog (and direct quotes) or just trash Bono?
I'm not trashing Bono - I read the blog and direct quotes. I've just always wondered why Bono seemed to want to distance himself from Christianity ... ok, and maybe he's not so much now but why doesn't 'main stream' society know he is a Christian?
Don't take me as pure fact, but I'm not sure Bono has tried to distance himself from "Christianity" as much as "Christian music." *I* think if they were labeled and therefore grouped in with "Christian music," people wouldn't take their music and message as seriously.
Why doesn't mainstream society know he is a Christian? I'm sure there are tons of reasons, but some of my thoughts...Bono has a good reputation (on many fronts) and so the media doesn't want to "ruin" it...and frankly, how many mainstream people (or any people for that matter) really take the time to get to know an artist? Just thoughts.
BTW, U2 did well at the Grammy's last night! And check out the new disc...I'm not always a hardcore fan of the music but the lyrics are great...especially "Yahweh."
just some more thoughts,
"and they'll know we are christians by our love, by our love", etc.
we aren't supposed to let others or society know we're christians by blurting out "i'm a christian"! how many people have been won to Christ by people saying that!
we are to be known by our actions, thoughts, attitude, deeds, service, and perhaps by being a social activist at times.
to blurt out "look at me, i'm a christian" groups whoever says it with the pharisees.
i'm not saying that the christian bands who are in christian music are like the pharisees at all, but they are definitely at higher risk of having some of the qualities and reputation the pharisees had.
and i have to say i didn't read any of the links.
Good thoughts, anonymous!
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