Monday, February 13, 2006

She made TV

Deb Remmerde and her record-setting free throw streak made national TV Monday morning. (And that's big news for NW Iowa!) CBS' The Early Show apparently featured her this morning...basically giving her a little interview and then having her shoot free throws the entire show. She made 580 of her 585, including a string of 256 in a row! To say it nicely...crap monkeys! (She has apparently hit 485 in a row in practice once.) Click here for more, including video options.


At 8:18 PM, February 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Deb single?

At 8:19 AM, February 14, 2006, Blogger James said...

I'm not sure, anonymous. I could check my sources if you wish. As for me, I'm quite happy to be celebrating Valentines Day and my five month's eve with my beautiful girlfriend.

At 7:44 AM, February 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

580/585! That's re-gosh-darn-diculous.


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